Sunday, August 20, 2006
NAW Rage Show 3,Jarrett V Goldberg (to face the rock for title in steelcage next week) more...
NAW Rage Show 3 Location: Las Vegas Nevada Commentary: Joey Styles/Jerry Lawler (Camera pans the fans and to our announce team) Joey: Welcome to rage from naw and later tonight we'll have a report on the condition of the hardy boys after being at the hands of brother doom last week. Jerry: Yeah these guys known as kane and the undertaker they set the ring on fire with the hardy boys inside and their the tag team champions. Joey: We'll be having a one on one for the chance to face the rock next week in a steel cage for the heavyweight championship goldberg versus double j jeff jarrett. (Dudley boys heads to the ring ) Bubba: Last week me and d-von we stopped our brother spike from winning the rage title and their was a reason for that. D-von: That's right something from our past we cannot forget.It was sickening our brother spike... Jerry: Look here comes spike it can't be that bad what he did can it.. Spike: Hey guys bro please don't do this it's no one buisness but ours. Bubba: Ours i wish it wasn't ours .We have to live with this forever especially molly yes that right your cousin.Cousin molly did your hear the first word cousin. Spike: It was a party and i was p*ssed outta my brain. Jerry: Who the theres a women coming to the ring and just grabbed the mic. Molly: Don't ,come on it happened to me i don't want people knowing please. D-von: You can't shield him for what he did to you. Molly: Please! Bubba: I don't like this you spike keep outta our way for good. (dudley and molley leave the ring) Joey: I don't know what to make of that. Jerry: A bunch of weirdo's that who they are. (Backstage austin bursts in to bischoff office) Bischoff: What's the ... Austin: Bret hart i want bret hart you saw last week he humiliated me. Bischoff: Austin calm down were not doing matches like this tonight matches will be selected by numbered balls. Austin: What's up with you you freak balls. Bischoff: Lotto balls .You may get lucky bret may get picked and you may get picked. Austin: This stinks it's crap just because were in las vegas home of the fruit machines. (Austin mumbles and leaves) Joey: Well after this break the first 2 balls will be picked determin what match will be next here in las vegas. Jerry: I wanna play some slots especially women slots. #Break# (Backstage in bischoffs office) Bischoff: Well we have 2 lotto balls machines with numbered balls in and one is for tag teams the other is seperate and behind me is the list of wrestlers with numbers next to them. I have triple h selecting the balls so let get the machine rolling . (Triple h turns on machine and sewlect the first ball) Triple h: Number 8 Bischoff: That is scott steiner Triple h: The next number is 14 Bischoff: That oh y2j chris jericho the only match not random is goldberg v jarrett tonight. our first match will take place now so steiner and y2j please make way to the ring. Joey: Our first match and steiner is in the ring and out comes y2j. (y2j on top ramp with mic) Y2J: So what ass clown of an american have i been put to wrestle my debut match with. A knight ?What's grey silk cover over your head huh.Ass clown the only american that i think is superior is our wonderful naw owner mr bischoff. So i'm coming down there to give you a beating an apply my walls of jericho on you. Match 1 y2j v scott steiner Y2j steps in and steiner quickly rams him out the ring and poses throwing his silk head cover over y2j.Ref nick patrick counts as y2j makes it in the ring in 5 seconds .Now both men lock up and struggle as steiner takes y2j down to his knees but sneaky y2j head butts steiner in the mid section and steiner bends and y2j slams steiner face first to the mat.Y2J putting the walls of jericho on steiner ad steiner is in pain trys crawling to the ropes but y2j is pulling him towards the middle of the ring.Oh but what's this it's bookers wife sharmell heading to the ring on the top buckle and posing for y2j and he let's steiner go and goes over to sharmell she jumps of and gives steiner a chance to grab y2j and suplex him and now booker t running to the ring as steiner is about to pin pulls steiner out shoving him into the steel steps and the ref asks for the bell.Y2J likes what he sees and booker spits words at his wife and walks away.Sharmell sees to steiner. Jerry: Intresting that sharmell is seeing to steiner after booker attacked sharmell last week. Joey: When we return an update on the hardy boys who were in fire turmoil last week in the hands of brother doom . #Break# Joey: Let's take you back to what happened after last weeks tag team title match. (Last Week) Jerry: What is that kane got some liquid from under the ring and pouring it over the ring. Joey: That smells like gasoline and the hardy's are out cold in the ring and look it's on fire kane has ignited the ring and both are standing back watching with the look on their faces that brother doom has arrived won the tag titles and the hardy's are their first casualty.Jerry: These guys are nuts we need someone to put the fire out fast or the hardy s will be barbecued. . (This Week) Joey: Well the hardy were treated in hospital for minor burns and lucky the backstage guys quickly dosed the flames and we have sent stacey kiebler to field a report at with the hardy boyz at their home. (Report) Stacey: Hello i'm in the home of the hardy boyz matt and jeff and jeff how has it been since you were caught up in this situation. Jeff: I want to say it's been tough me and my bro matt have had minor burns due to what brother doom did to us last week. Matt: We are the hardys when we return we will make it to the top this is just a set back and to other guys in the locker room beware of kane and the undertaker. Stacey: Look after yourselves and hope to see you back in the naw soon. (We cross to bischoffs office for another match picking) Bischoff: Right triple h next ball please Triple h: Number 4 Bischoff: That is miss kitty Triple h: Number 19 Bischoff: Oh dear looks like man v women Christian goes one on one withmiss kitty next. #Break# Jerry: Is this right miss kitty has to go one on one with christian can i take his place i'd like one on one action. Match 2 Christian V Miss Kitty Kitty doesn't want to wrestle christian but christian gives the evil eye to kitty and kitty cowers behind the ref tim white.Christian pulls kitty by the hair but wait a minute it's the rock running to the ring and striking down christian. (Bischoff shown on titon tron says ok to be fair miss kitty leave the ring and the rock takes on christian) So the rock waits for christian to get up and sends the rock bottom on christians a**. Rock waits for christian to get up and a flying clothes line and christian moves just in time rocks lands on the mat.Christian goes outside grabbing a steel chair but the ref pulls it away and the rock knocks christian back down and going for the peoples elbow and gets it and a cover only christian's canadian connection team partner bret hart runs to the ring pulls rock out the ring and bret goes to strike a fist at the rock who ducks and sends bret to the floor gets back in the ring but knocks christian down and a cover 1,2, bret hart is up and again pulls the rock out the ring but the fans cheer as stonecold steve austin runs to the ring and takes care of bret hart sending him to the post .Christian gets the rock back in and covers but the rock gets his arm up .Christian is enraged swings rock to the ropesand rock flying clothesline sends christian down and cover 1,2,3.The rock has won this match stonecold has pulled some cans of beer from under the ring and throws one to the rock sends bret in the ring stonecold gets in and the rock shoves bret in to stonecold for the stunner and pours beer on bret as y2j another canadian connection partner looks on in despair at the top of the ramp. Joey: You could say the table has turned on bret now austin is pouring beer on bret and humiliating him. Jerry: That ain't fair stonecold shouldn't be out here. (Backstage we see brother doom pinning up a picture of the hardy boyz on a board which reads the destruction board) Kane: HA HA HA our first two victims.No one will want to face us for our tag titles. Undertaker: These two have learned a lesson that the creatures from the night rises when the moon is full and takes out all comers. #Break# Joey: Were back and let's go back to bischoff in his office for the next match. Bischoff: Triple h if you please the next ball Triple h: 20 Bischoff: That is the big show Triple h: 11 Bischoff: That is oops er Triple h: let me see the list gulp! me. (Bigshow walks in) Bigshow: Bischoff can i have a wor... hey what's that ball 20/11 why that's me and the list says triple h well better get out there so i can crush ya.HA HA just some humour but don't p*ss me of. Jerry: Did you hear that don't p*ss me of! Joey: Well bigshow helped triple h last week against recognisance now triple h faces bigshow. (Wrestler Spot) William Regal: I represent the upper class nothing get's me down.The land of the brave knights and that stiff upper lip and i can put up a ruddy good fight. Announcer: The british one william regal coming to NAW soon. Jerry: William regal he's coming and he's british to. Joey: I don't think there will be any stiff upper lips in our next match as the 500 pounder 7ft 2 takes on triple h and he'll need some tricks up his sleeves to defeat bigshow. (bigshow is in the ring followed by triple h) Match 3 Bigshow V Triple h Triple h is hesetating to get in the ring and walks around the ring but bigshow grabs him by the head literally picking him up and chucking him in the ring. A head butt to triple h who goes down and big show lifts him up and about to chokeslam when triple h gets a lowblow and show feels the pain.Triple h gets out the ring and looks under the ring and picks up his trusty sledgehammer and takes it to the ring but the ref having none of it but show boots triple h who goes down and bigshow covers but stops the count and grabs the sledgehammer as triple h makes his way to his feet bigshow shoves the sledgehammer in to his head and ref calls for the bell.Bigshow raises the sledgehammer and walks away. Joey: Triple h busted open with his own sledgehammer. Jerry: you know no ball will tell you our next match because it's goldberg taking on jeff jarrett for tthe chance to face the rock next week in a steelcage and the chance to win the heavyweight title. #Break# (A recap of triple h getting busted open by bigshow shown and triple h sees bischoff while having his head bandaged) Triple h: This is your doing you and that stupid lottoballs. Bischoff: Now hang on you brought that sledgehammer in and that's your fault. Jerry: Their bikering like husband and wife. Joey: A knock at the door goldberg is coming to the ring amid fireworks to take on double j jeff jarrett. Match 4 Jarrett v Goldberg. Goldberg and jarrett eye up before giving a test of strength and that leaves jarrett weakening at the knees who goes down crawls to the corner raising his hands near his face.Goldberg goes to jarrett but he sends a punch to the midsection and goldberg just get's enraged and sends a knee into jarretts face.Goldberg picks him up and slams him back down and covers and only a 2 count .Goldberg waits for jarrett to get up and as he does sends the spear but jarrett moved at the way and land in to the ring buckle which sends jarrett to knock him down and get a pin.Indeed goldberg shoulder in pain still manages to break the pin.jarrett going on top buckle but goldberg knocks the ropes sending jarrett to land on to the mat and goldberg urges jarrett to get up and with the ref behind jarrett he gets up and goldberg goes for the spear jarrett moves the ref gets speared and is transported to the ring buckle and is out cold.Jarrett goes out ring to bring in his guitar goldberg unaware and is seeing to the ref jarrett about to smash his guitar overgoldberg but the fans are cheering because the rock is running to the ring pulls the guitar from jarrett smashing him with it and goldberg turns the rock grabs him gets the rock bottom shakes the ref to revive him and he leaves with both men down and out but jarrett slowly moves and gets his arm on goldberg the ref counts and jarrett wins the match. Joey: Jarrett has won courtesy of the rock and will go one on one in a steelcage with the rock for the heavyweight title. Jerry: Well jarrett is standing tall but can he win the title will find out next week good bye from las vegas. Copyright New Age Wrestling 2006(c) |
posted by The Informer at 8:30 am